More awards!
Mark Willems from the University of Chichester was decerned an award for a presentation he gave about his research on blackcurrants and anthocyanin. Congratulations! Best Scientific Award of Polyphenols Applications 2021 Dr. Mark Willems, Professor of Exercise Physiology in the Institute of Sport, Nursing and Allied Health at the University of Chichester in the United [...]
Blackcurrant growing in Russia
The efforts of the International Blackcurrant Association to establish contacts with Russia and come to learn more about blackcurrant growing in Russia resulted in a round table of the IBA Executive with the Russian Berry Union, Russian researchers and growers. We are happy to share what we learned with you in a short version in [...]
Blackcurrants Austria
Main blackcurrant growing areas Steirische Beerenobstgenossenschaft eGen Hans-Thalhammerstraße 28 8501 Lieboch, Austria Phone: +43 3136 62002 Head of organisation: Mr Stefan Lampl Contact person Ing. Stefan Lampl, BA Key data Growing surface: 150 ha Average annual production: 260 t Varieties grown in Austria Austria grows nearly all blackcurrants organically. Further general information
Austria Juice’s definition of sustainability
Sustainability - a word which is in everybody's mouth nowadays. In fact, in the past 25 years, we have all become aware that our way of producing, living and consuming was irrespective of the natural ressources and lacked of humanity and fairness in many ways. New ways of going forward to the future have been [...]
Climate change challenges blackcurrant growers
Blackcurrant growers all over the world regularly report about increasing difficulties related to climate change. Drought, heat, lack of winter chill and spring frost work their own way and indirectly lead to controlling blackcurrant overproduction "naturally". The background Before we talk about new challenges related to climate change, let's have a look at the basics. [...]
LRS and JHI: in hunt for climate-resilient varieties
Lucozade Ribena Suntory (LRS) has invested over £500,000 in a five-year project with the Scottish James Hutton Institute to develop new varieties of climate-resilient blackcurrant. LRS and the JHI: a long-lasting relationship On the one side: Lucozade Ribena Suntory (LRS), one the leading soft drinks businesses in the UK and Ireland. On the other side: [...]
Exec meeting around blackcurrants in Austria
Blackcurrant history, Austria While Austria grew around 4.000 tonnes of blackcurrants in the 1980ies, there are only 200 tonnes per year today. How it came to such a decline is not surprising, and reflects what is happening in many of the (former) big blackcurrant growing countries in Europe. With good prices, an easy and simple [...]
Austria Juice and blackcurrants
Austria Juice, one of the biggest concentrate producers in the world, has its headquarters in Kroellendorf and Vienna, Austria. They have also been partners of the IBA from the beginning and until today. Two good reasons to meet CEO Franz Ennser in March 2020. May I introduce AUSTRIA JUICE? For many of our readers, Austria [...]
More than 25 years of organic blackcurrant growing and marketing: Ribes is unique. Its success comes from continuous investment and renewal, good ideas and perseverance of Gudrun and Franz Schriebl, the founders of Ribes. We have met them in the framework of an IBA Executive meeting in March 2020. Growing and marketing blackcurrants: here comes [...]