New IBA website – new possibilities

A brand new IBA website

Since the creation of the International Blackcurrant Association, our website has been successfully uploaded with many useful information, enjoyable pictures, interesting feature stories. It has been a good way to show our valuable partnerships to the public. But since then, the world around us and our technology has changed also, and the site needed a severe update.

under_constructionWe have thus worked (and are still working) on a new version of this communication tool. It still includes the same information than the old website, but is now more user-friendly and accessible on smartphones. The name has also changed, partly for a better SEO (search engine optimization). You can now discover it under (although you are still able to access it with the old address).


One major change has been to limit access to confidential information to IBA members. This concerns mainly presentations from our annual conferences, Annual General Meeting minutes, certain messages and documents like our global harvest estimation sheet. The purpose of this restriction is, of course, to spread information positively. Active members will have the advantage to access every information. Confidential information will not be available freely to the whole world any more. We will add several sections with limited access in future. Some of these are information on blackcurrant varieties, pest control, organic growing, or a conference organization guideline etc.

For getting free access to the whole website (every IBA member can have access!), you simply have to register if you come across one of the restricted pages.

Feel free to contact our General Manager Stefanie Sharma ( for any suggestion, ideas for new sections or special needs and enjoy using our new website.

