Agenda AGM 2016
IBA Annual General Meeting 2016
Agenda AGM 2016
Welcome by President
Minutes of 7th AGM held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in June 2015 (to be approved)
President’s annual report 2015 (to be approved)
IBA Financial Statement 2015 (to be approved)
General Manager’s Report on activities 2015/16
General Business
- Occurrence IBA conferences and AGMs
- Changes in IBA’s rules of association (to be approved)
- Any general business that may be brought at least 72 hours before the meeting
Election of officers
- Call for nomination of directors. Three existing directors retire by rotation: Piotr Baryla, Dirk Herdieckerhoff and Jens Pedersen. Each is eligible and offers himself for re-election.
- Mike Kearney, Florent Baillard and Anthony Snell retain their directorship.
- Vice-presidents
- President
Election of auditors
IBA conference 2018: Presentation by the hosting country
Questions arising / other issues
Supporting information:
- Minutes of the 2015 AGM held in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 2015
- President’s Report 2015 (available from 15th June 2016 onwards)
- IBA Financial Statement 2015/16 (presented during the AGM)
- General Manager’s report on 2015/16 activities (available from 15th June 2016 onwards)