Held Tuesday 15th May 2012, commencing 4.15pm
Welcome by President, Jim Grierson.
Apologies: Jarrow Rogovin (USA); Wieslaw Blocki (Poland); Anthony Snell (UK); James Tavendale (NZ); Jane Lancaster (NZ); Greg Quinn (USA).
Minutes of the 3rd AGM held in Goes, Netherlands, May 2011. Minutes approved (Moved Jensen/Seconded Eder). Matters arising from the Minutes of the 2nd AGM: A general discussion took place on membership by Eastern European countries. Noted that Poland had created a Grower Association which would become a financial member of the IBA; and that other countries such as Ukraine and Lithuania now attending IBA Conference. Jim Grierson congratulated Stan Pluta on his work in assisting the Polish industry to develop its own grower group.
Presidents Report
Read and adopted (Moved Jensen/seconded Eder). Annual Financial Statement (AFS) presented by Jim Grierson who noted the following: Four Leaf Japan had agreed to advance payment of their sponsorship for the 2011-2012 year to assist IBA cash-flow. This resulted in a double payment within one financial year for Four Leaf Japan. Floyd Marketing Ltd had agreed to the IBA suspending payment of their invoices but still providing management services, while cash-flow had been an issue. The financial statement was shown in Euro for the benefit of the majority attending the AGM but the various incomes and expenditures had been transacted in NZ dollars during the 12 months. Due to currency fluctuations this meant the Euro sum shown was not exactly correct; and that a set of records in NZ dollars was available for any member showing the exact values.
Matters arising from the AFS: In response to questions from the floor, Jim Grierson explained that the Executive costs were for travel and accommodation for Conference; and that the IBA had provided NZ$8000 to the organizing committee of the Goes Conference for assistance with that event.
Adoption of the AFS: Moved Grierson/Seconded Jensen. Agreed unanimous.
General Managers report on activities of the IBA in the 2011-2012 year
The General Manager summarised the Paper, explaining that the full details of activity was provided because the Financial Statement had recorded all Floyd Marketing’s work under the heading ”˜administration’ whereas ”˜administration’ as such was a very small part of the work paid for. Jim Grierson noted that the General Manager’s position was appointed by the Board. As from 2012, the General Manager performance would be formally reviewed by the President and another Board member. A written assessment of the review would be provided to the General Manager and be included in the AGM papers each year. Floyd Marketing Ltd (FML) was contracted to carry out the position of General Manager and this work was done by FML’s principals, Bill and Sandee Floyd. FML was well respected in New Zealand and had proven to be a very good team working for the benefit of the IBA membership.
IBA Rules of Association
The draft IBA Rules of Association were read by Jim Grierson who invited members to discuss the draft and noted that, if approved by the meeting, the Rules would come into effect immediately. A discussion then followed:John Tavendale believed that the immediate Past President should be part of the Board structure and was concerned that his or her skills shouldn’t be lost to the Board. He suggested that this could be an ex officio appointment and be for a two year period. Jo Hitchley suggested that 5 years was a long term for President and this should be reviewed. The discussion that followed agreed that a four-year term would allow the election of President to be tied to the major bi-annual Conference. Jim Grierson thanks John and Jo for their constructive comments and asked that the meeting approve the draft as it was and allow the new Board to make any changes warranted. Jim noted that the Rules weren’t ”˜cast in concrete’ but could be changed as circumstances required.
Moved that the IBA Rules of Association be adopted: Moved Grierson/Seconded Kearney. Carried Unanimous.
Election of officers
Jim Grierson explained his recommendation for a new Executive structure with two Vice Presidents (one responsible for Europe and the other for Asia/Australasia/North America). These two Vice Presidents, with the President and the General Manager, would form the IBA Executive and be charged with the daily-monthly conceptualization, implementation and management-governance of the IBA’s activities.
Jim Grierson then explained that the Executive recommended a rotational approach to Board appointees and that Jo Hitchley (UK), Dr Miyanaga (Japan) and Greg Quinn (USA) had been asked to stand down as part of that rotation. This recommendation was based on those persons having not been able to participate in regular Board activities and AGM’s over the last 36 months. Jim Grierson noted that valuable contribution all three had made to the founding of the IBA and especially, Dr Miyanaga’s vision in suggesting the IBA’s strap-line, “The Best Berry for Life”. Jim Grierson noted that all three would continue to be key members of the IBA, Jo Hitchley thorough her Chair position with the UK Foundation, Dr Miyanaga as Chair of the critically important Japan Cassis Association and Greg Quinn who was expected to play a key role in the future development of a North American Country Association of the IBA. Jim Grierson then advised he was not be seeking re-election and accordingly was standing down as President and would Chair the election of the Board and its officers.
Nominations for the seven Board positions were:
- Svend Jensen, Denmark (Moved Ennser/Seconded Eder).
- David Eder, Four Leaf Japan (Moved Kearney/seconded Leith)
- Anthony Snell, UK (Moved Hitchley/Seconded Hyatt)
- Dirk Herdieckheroff (Moved Eder/Seconded Kearney)
- Florent Balliard, France (Moved Jensen/Seconded Eder)
- Mike Kearney, NZ (Moved Jensen/Seconded Snell)
- Franz Ennser, Agrana (Moved Jensen/Seconded Kearney)
- There being no more nominations and given that all the above had been confirmed unanimously by the meeting, Jim Grierson congratulated the seven members on their election or re-election. Jim Grierson then called for nominations for the position of President. Svend Jensen was moved by Jim Grierson and seconded by mark Eder. No other nominations were moved and the meeting unanimously approved Jensen’s appointment Nominations for Vice Presidents were Anthony Snell and Mike Kearney (Moved Tavendale/Seconded Stephens). No other nominations were made and the meeting voted unanimously for their appointments.
The Future Direction of the IBA
”˜Growing a Prosperous Future’ -strategy paper presented by Svend Jensen. Copied of this paper had been supplied with the AGM papers. Svend spoke to each heading and asked if there was any concerns. Agreed that the Strategy paper form the basis of the Board and the Executive’s planning. Note that no formal vote taken on this. IBA Activities Programme for 2012-2013 – draft programme presented by IBA General Manager, Bill Floyd. Bill noted that the degree to which activities could be implemented was totally dependent on funding. Funding would be developed by a mix of sponsorship, new Country memberships and a new membership category for private individuals. Final prioritization and degree of implementation of tactics would be decided by the Executive and subject to funding available.
General Business
Agronomy Forum: report on the inaugural Agronomy Workshop presented by Rob Saunders, Forum chair.
Rob explained that the inaugural forum had presentations by Jim Grierson (nutrition), Geoff Langford (gallmite), Rob (sudden bush death), Michelle Fountain; (pollination); Bill Floyd (Grower of the Year concept); and a wrap by Jim Grierson.
Marketing Forum: report by Bill Floyd, IBA general Manager: Presentation by Franz Ennser on the World Juice Market gave the forum attendees an excellent global perspective of the beverage market per se and how blackcurrant needed to find its relevance and positioning opportunities within such a vast sector. The overview was at the same time both threatening, enlightening and exciting.
The second presentation, ”˜Accessing New Markets – demands, products, and entry strategies’ was by Karen Hamann of IFAU. This presentation gave a perfect balance to Franz’s macro view and profiled niche market operators: showing how opportunities were achieved by micro focus once a macro understanding gave a defined opportunity and purpose.
Bill then explained his paper on the concept of a blackcurrant Awards: this was a project that would be developed over the next 3 months. The purpose of presenting the concept paper at the Forum was to scope a small team that would look at viable options. Forum members were asked to make contact with Bill post-Forum.
- There was no other General Business
Meeting closed at 5.22pm.