Blackcurrant product competition 2018: GO!!!

After a very interesting and successful first edition of an international blackcurrant product competition, the organizers of the next IBA conference repeat the experience. The second edition will thus take place from 5th to 8th June in Angers, France, in the framework of the 6th International Blackcurrant Conference.

The French currant growers association (ANCG) and the Higher School of Agriculture of Angers (ESA) co-organize the event.

Blackcurrant product competition – the winners

blackcurrant contest

Blackcurrant product competition

Conditions of the international blackcurrant product competition 2018

Any company or any individual can participate! The products to be presented have, of course, to contain blackcurrants – in whatever form. They must enter into one of the 3 categories:

  • drinks
  • other food products
  • health products and cosmetics

A professional panel will then evaluate the products on criteria like aromatic or nutritional value, commercial relevance, innovative character, suitability of the product with the market etc.

Registration deadline: 10th May 2018.

Blackcurrant product competition


New elements

What mainly differentiates the blackcurrant product competition 2018 from the previous edition is the award of a prize. The winning product of each category shall bring a financial payoff to its producer.

For this reason, the participation in the competition is subject to a small participation fee. Sponsors shall round off the prize.

If any participant needs raw material to elaborate a new product, the ANCG will provide it free of charge.

The companies or individuals presenting their products may also give an oral presentation to the panel. Although not compulsory, it allows them to talk about their product and strategy and answer potential questions. Of course, like last time, all participating products will be exhibited during the conference. Press coverage and information on our homepage will ensure visibility to the participants, and we will cover the event in one of the newsletters following the conference.

All in all, the competition is getting more and more professional!

Registration, rules, information

Are you ready to enter the competition? You may find detailed information on the conference website, download the rules, and proceed for registration.

Also, read our article about one of the winners of the first edition and check our website about international blackcurrant competitions.



Printemps de Terra – Terra Spring

“Loire Valley fruits and vegetables” raises public awareness of the benefits of blackcurrants

Blackcurrants were in the spotlight at the “Printemps de Terra” (Terra Spring) festival in Angers on the 1st and 2nd of April 2018. On this occasion, Val de Loire Fruits et lègumes led a cooking workshop for children. Val de Loire Fruits et lègumes is a label for the promotion of fruits and vegetables from the Loire Valley.

Terra Spring was also a way to promote the blackcurrant sector ahead of the International Blackcurrant Conference of June 2018.More than 200 people participated in this culinary workshop.

The aim: children learned how to prepare a simple but delicious recipe made with regional products.

The recipe: a combination of “Angelys” pears with blackcurrant puree (from Fruits Rouges & Co), sprinkled with crushed hazelnuts.

This workshop was an opportunity to discover (or rediscover) this generous “superfuit” particularly rich in aromas, flavors and color. Of course, it was also a way of promoting the blackcurrant sector ahead of the International Blackcurrant Conference of June 2018.

Terra Botanica visit

Discover Terra Botanica during the next International Blackcurrant Conference

The agenda of the International Blackcurrant Conference includes a visit of the Terra Botanica Interpretation Center. The participants of the conference will be able to have a short visit during a guided tour. And their companions have a whole day for free discovery!

275,000 species from around the world:

  • in exceptional collections of orchids, roses, palm trees…
  • in giant greenhouses or lush gardens
  • from rice paddies to swamps, from generous vegetable gardens to dark primary forests
  • from Mediterranean to oriental landscapes

The parc is an unusual, colorful adventure!

The frame

Angers, the French capital of plants, is the home of Terra Botanica. It reveals the secrets of 600 years of regional history of plants. In the 15th century, King Renè, who was fond of plants and flower gardens introduced Mediterranean essences. Then, the great explorers brought back many plants from abroad. They were first cultivated in the gardens of the castles along the Loire. Later, in the 19th century, they entered the nurseries which came to birth in Angers.

This heritage is the reason for the reputation of the Loire Valley: it is recognized and identified for its gardens and its vegetable productions.

Cassismanufaktur – From grapes to blackcurrants

Cassismanufaktur” is the name that Heiko Danner has chosen for marketing blackcurrant based products. A small, but lovely and profitable business for his self-grown blackcurrants.

From wine growing to blackcurrant farming

Heiko Danner is a wine growing engineer. He grows wine grapes and has made his own wines for 14 years. He had taken over his father’s farm, where wine-growing had always been part of the farming business. His ancestors had distilling rights and had always produced fruit spirits. At first, Heiko simply continued the tradition. But then, he turned towards blackcurrants.In Stockheim, close to Heilbronn in Southern Germany, the fields are rather small and not very good for growing wheat or the like. But the soil is good for grapes – and why not blackcurrants? This is what Heiko thought after some years of wine growing. When it comes to blackcurrant growing, many agricultural aspects are quite similar to wine growing. Soil, plant protection, machines, climate – but the harvest is at another moment of the year. Diversification from wine growing towards blackcurrant growing is therefore a natural development.


Heiko started growing blackcurrants in 1991. Out of the 100 hectares he works on, half of them are now dedicated to blackcurrants, 24 hectares are still planted with white and red wine grapes. But he now sells them to a local cooperative and has stopped wine making. His passion has turned towards the small black power pearls. It has become a real passion: he collects and examines the behaviour of all kinds of blackcurrant varieties from all over the world on his land.

Finding and using the best blackcurrant varieties

Since 2010, 3.5 hectares are planted with three rows of each variety that Heiko wants to test. What is important to him is:
– the yield
– the growing behaviour
– the influence of climate (the yield of varieties from the Scottish breeding centre, the James Hutton Institute, will be lower if there is not enough winter chill than of varieties from Southern countries, for example)
– the aroma
– the sensitivity to certain diseases and pests
– the cutting method
– the size of the currants
He also tries to grow organically on one hectare – just for fun. Or to be able to develop future projects.

From growing blackcurrants to making products at the “Cassismanufaktur

Yet, for the moment, Heiko concentrates on the production of blackcurrant based soft and alcoholic drinks, sweets, condiments and jams. He launched his “Cassismanufaktur” in 2013 and has now, only four years later, a range of 20 blackcurrant based products.

several products made by Cassismanufaktur

products from Cassismanufaktur

Manufacturing unit at Cassismanufaktur

For facing the time-consuming production and marketing, together with the traditional farming, he needed to employ. 4 to 8 seasonal workers help him all over the year. One person is dedicated to manufacturing the products in the specially arranged basement of Heiko’s house. On the ground floor, there is a small shop and office room. But the biggest share of the commercialization is, of course, not the shop on his own farm.

“Home” shop

Cassismanufaktur – how to sell from local to international customers

“More and more people in Germany want to buy products “directly” from the producer”, explains Heiko. More and more “farm shops” open everywhere. And they are Heiko’s main customers. “I personally deliver my products to these shops, according to the orders they place. As for supermarkets, only few of them will sell local, manufactured products. My prices are too high, and demand too low. Because my production costs are, of course, higher than those of bigger factories. But I’m proud of using only my own blackcurrants. Thus, I’m sure not only of the quality of the main ingredient (blackcurrants), but also of the quality of the manufacturing process.”

Heiko preparing a delivery of his products

Heiko standing close to his new freezing machine

Indeed, Heiko does not produce the whole range of products himself. He has partners all around the region: a soapmaker for his blackcurrant soap, a vinegar manufacturer for his blackcurrant balsamico vinegar, and several more. Heiko trusts on relations. A friend of his is taking care of his logo, the design of his stickers, as well as his website.
Therefore, Heiko can concentrate on the commercialization of his products in regional and national trade fairs. He attends around 10 of them every year. Moreover, trade fairs are an excellent occasion to find new ideas, new producers, and new markets. “I now sell my products even on an international level. This is not my main business, of course. But it shows that we are growing”, smiles Heiko.

Heiko Danner, Winner of the IBA Blackcurrant Contest 2016 in Ashford

Today, Heiko is sure of one thing: looking at the development of the blackcurrant market in Europe, he could not survive by selling his blackcurrants to the local fruit cooperative. The prices for blackcurrants are too low. But the demand for authentic or fancy products is growing, and his “Cassismanufaktur” has a role to play in this market.