Leibnitz 2024 – Weed management, Opportunity Robotics, Example Agxeed – Poirier, Juliette

Leibnitz 2024 – Weed managemen 2024 – Poirier, Juliette

Leibnitz 2024 – Production value of Blackcurrants cultivars – Pluta, Stan

Leibnitz 2024 – Breeding Blackcurrants at InHort, Skierniewice, Poland – Pluta, Stan

Leibnitz 2024 – Blackcurrant Breeding in NZ IBA – Shaw, Molly

Leibnitz 2024 – Blackcurrant Breeding in Burgundy (France) – Nars-Chasserey, Marine

Leibnitz 2024 – Blackcurrant Breeding and Research at James Hutton Institute – Moura, Amanda

Insecticides D 2024

Herbicides D 2024

Fungicides D 2024

Russian Round Table 2021 – Resource-saving technology of blackcurrant cultivation in the Middle Volga region – Kardapolova, Elena

Angers 2018 – Blackcurrant breeding tendencies in Lithuania – Sasnauskas, Audrius