Angers 2018 – Blackcurrant breeding in Poland: achievements and new cultivars – Pluta, Stanislaw

Angers 2018 – Protection against the blackcurrant bud mite – Guignebault, Philippe

Angers 2018 – Biological control of the White Peach Scale on blackcurrant: The RhizoDia project – Guignebault, Philippe

Angers 2018 – Pollination ecology of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) – Vaissiere, Bernard

Angers 2018 – Blackcurrant breeding: why and how – Jarret, Dorota

Angers 2018 – Good Berry: Improving the stability of high-quality traits of berry in different environments and cultivation systems for the benefit of European farmers and consumers – Jarret, Dorota


Ashford 2016 – Achievements in breeding of new cultivars and agronomical practices in blackcurrants in Poland – Pluta, Stan / Baryla, Piotr

Ashford 2016 – Blackcurrant Pollination – Fountain, Michelle

Ashford 2016 – Integrated Pest Management in blackcurrant production – Cross, Jerry

Ashford 2016 – The risks of SWD in blackcurrant plantations, risk mitigation and control strategies – Buss, David

Ashford 2016 – Control of Botrytis cinerea in blackcurrants using biocontrol agents – Saville, Robert / Berrie, Angela