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Leibnitz 2024 – Styrian berries from grower to cold store house – Lampl, Stefan

Leibnitz 2024 – Weed management, Opportunity Robotics, Example Agxeed – Poirier, Juliette

Leibnitz 2024 – Weed managemen 2024 – Poirier, Juliette

Leibnitz 2024 – Unlocking the health benefits of berries – Plattner, Stephan

Leibnitz 2024 – The Currant market in Poland from an economic perspective – Ebert, Mathias

Leibnitz 2024 – rā koha – Callagher, Mike

Leibnitz 2024 – Production value of Blackcurrants cultivars – Pluta, Stan

Leibnitz 2024 – iprona Lieboch – Philipp, Rolf

Leibnitz 2024 – Grünewald international – Lernpass, Jürgen

Leibnitz 2024 – Fruit region Styria – Muster, Herbert