Leibnitz 2024 – Unlocking the health benefits of berries – Plattner, Stephan

Angers 2018 – Antioxidant and antiinflammatory activity in blackcurrant – Gollotte, Armelle

Angers 2018 – Exciting advances in blackcurrant research for exercise and health – Willems, Mark

Angers 2018 – Medicinal uses of blackcurrant leaves – Bellenot, Denis

Ashford 2016 – Hard men eat blackcurrants: current research results on the health benefits of a diet rich in Blackcurrants – Stewart, Derek

Ashford 2016 – Blackcurrant intake: Athletes pay attention – Willems, Mark

Ashford 2016 – New Zealand human sports studies on blackcurrant: more evidence for blackcurrant assisting the recovery from exercise, oxidative stress and enhancing immunity – Hurst, Suzanne

Bialowieza 2014 – Composition and health properties of blackcurrant, a Nordic perspective – Kallio, Heikki

Vilnius 2015 – Fruit phytochemicals to aid exercise – a platform of research on New Zealand blackcurrants – Hurst, Roger

Vilnius 2015 – New Zealand blackcurrant: a new ergogenic aid in sport? – Willems, Mark

Goes 2011 – Consumption of First Leaf and CAM30 by healthy humans can beneficially affect bowel function and fecal parameters related to colon cancer – Molan, Abdul Lateef