Leibnitz 2024 – The Currant market in Poland from an economic perspective – Ebert, Mathias

Leibnitz 2024 – rā koha – Callagher, Mike

Leibnitz 2024 – iprona Lieboch – Philipp, Rolf

Leibnitz 2024 – Grünewald international – Lernpass, Jürgen

Leibnitz 2024 – Fruit region Styria – Muster, Herbert

Leibnitz 2024 – Berry growing for processing in Austria – Robitschko, Rudolf

Russian Round Table 2021 – Economics of blackcurrant production and sales channels – Khanov, Vladislav

Russian Round Table 2021 – Current situation in the berry industry in Russia – Koziy, Irina

Angers 2018 – Second blackcurrant product competition 2018 – Driss, Elothmani / Baillard, Florent

Angers 2018 – Global overview of Blackcurrant product innovations and market trend – De Reynal, Beatrice

Angers 2018 – From consumer to product innovation: Which process for a more successful innovation? – Maitre, Isabelle / Picouet Pierre / Thomas, Chloé / Symoneaux, Ronan

Angers 2018 – Agriculture with a vocation for health: feedback from Bleu-Blanc-Coeur – Kerhoas, Nathalie