Flashback 2024

Flashback Leibnitz 2024 – What a Conference!

For all those who came : do you remember?

For all those who were unlucky enough not to attend the conference: here is a glimpse of what happened in Austria last year.

Stefan Lampl, manager of the Styrian Berries Cooperative StBoG, invited the conference delegates to visit his own farm, where he grows conventional blackcurrants.

Gudrun and Franz, together with their son Bernhard, grow organic blackcurrants and transform them into delicious juices. We had a visit through plantations where blackcurrant growing reaches most difficult conditions: steep slopes and organic growing methods – on excellent level of knowledge and skills.

At Birgit and Christoph Reinhart’s farm (Aronia Bauer), we could see organic blackcurrant growing and the challenges it brings. A demonstration by RoboKraft and a visit of an elderberry field completed the afternoon.

Our main sponsor gave us an insight into his cold storage facility in Lieboch with impressive space – and temperatures.

We were allowed a unique insight at renowned “Silberberg” and their nurseries and enjoyed a tasting of wines and juices.

IBA Annual General Meeting 2024