Blackcurrant press review

pile of magazines and newspapers with reading glasses and a cup of coffee to illustrate blackurrant press releases

Blackcurrant in the media all over the world

Since the creation of the IBA in 2008, we have collected articles from many journalists and about various subjects related to blackcurrants. Many of these articles and more in our blackcurrant press review are related to the numerous health benefits of blackcurrants. Others talk about economic or agronomic questions.

You can read the articles we collected by searching in the list below. The most recent articles about blackcurrants are on top of the list.

Please be aware that you may find articles in any language – mainly the languages from the blackcurrant growing countries in Europe. Some articles have been translated with an online translator, and translations may not be of the best quality. 

Please note that we do not systematically provide translations into English.

Many videos are available with any kind of information on blackcurrants. You may like to see some films starring our favourite little berry. They have become a part of our blackcurrant press review, which we will continue to extend.

Blackcurrant press review

2019, November: Her dyrkar dei solbaer mot alle odds Her dyrkar dei solbær mot alle odds

Growing blackcurrants in one of the most unlikely regions in Norway

2019, July 9: La canicule frappe le cassis

Réussir Fruits et Légumes

La canicule de fin juin a détruit la moitié de la production française de cassis, ce qui met des producteurs en difficulté économique et des transformateurs face à une pénurie de fruits.

2019, May: Чорна смородина: нові виклики для північної ягоди (Blackcurrant: new challenges for northern berries)
2019, April: Strauchbeerenfläche steigt weiter

Bio-Beeren punkten mit erneuter Rekordernte.

Der Strauchbeerenanbau in Deutschland befindet sich seit Jahren im Aufwind. Von Jahr zu Jahr steigt die Anbaufläche. Wer jedoch denkt, dies geht allein auf das Konto von Beeren, die…

2018, July 3: Le cassis, un “super-fruit” au gros potentiel

Réussir Fruits et Légumes

Les atouts santé du cassis ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes de développement du marché de ce “super-fruit”.

2018, June 19: « La production de cassis en Pologne doit être planifiée »

Réussir Fruits et Légumes

Premier fournisseur européen de cassis et de loin, la Pologne inquiète les autres pays producteurs qui voudraient que le pays contrôle sa production.

2018, June 12: Vers une année ``normale`` en cassis

Réussir Fruits et Légumes

Le congrès mondial du Cassis s’est achevé le 8 juin à Angers. Florent Baillard, président de l’AOPn Cassis Groseille et désormais vice-président de l’International Blackcurrant Association, a présenté les prévisions de récolte en cassis de la France.

2018, June 7: Le cassis s'est donné rendez-vous à Angers

La filière s’est réunie du 6 au 8 juin à Angers, pour trois journées de visites et conférences sur la production, la transformation et les bienfaits de cette baie méconnue.
L’Association nationale cassis groseille (ANCG) organisait, en partenariat avec International blackcurrant association (IBA), le…

2018, June: Le cassis dans tous ses états

Les élèves de l’ESA planchent sur de nouvelles valorisations de ce petit fruit plein de vitamines.

Le cassis est associé à la crème qui colore le kir en apéritif ou à la liqueur qui clôt suavement nos repas de famille. Mais on ne peut réduire ce petit fruit rouge…

2018, April 25: ÉVÉNEMENT INTERNATIONAL: Le 6e mondial du cassis en Anjou du 6 au 8 juin


IBA, le congrès mondial du cassis se tiendra du 6 au 8 juin prochain à Angers. L’événement est co-organisé par l’International Blackcurrant Association et par
l’Association nationale cassis groseille (ANCG) animée par Hexavalor – la filiale de services de IDfel Val de Loire et de l’APFel SO.
Le programme de juin associe des conférences et des visites techniques…

2017, July: Heimische Beeren erfolgreich veredelt - Stern

Ein Pionier in Saches Schwarze Johannisbeeren.

Wein, Äpfel, Birnen und Beeren – auf dem vielseitigen Betrieb von Heiko Danner ist eine Kultur immer weiter ins Zentrum geraten: die schwarze Johannisbeere.

2017, July 12: Visit of IBA Board in Poland / Wizyta zarządu IBA w Polsce

Magazine “Jagodnik”: At the end of June, Polish blackcurrant producers visited the representatives of the International Blackcurrant Association (IBA). W końcówce czerwca polskich producentów porzeczek odwiedzili przedstawiciele zarządu International Blackcurrant Association (IBA).  

2017, April: Obstverwertung mit dem ``Besonderen Etwas``

Johannisbeeranbau in Goldgräberstimmung

Die Aufnahme von Schwermetallen von bestimmten Pflanzengruppen wird als biologische Massnahme der Bodenentseuchung immer beliebter.

2017, March 22: Vite du Cassis! (Need blackcurrant quickly!)

“Elle” – Quoi de neuf – Beauté

Anti-âge, antigras, antiterne, cette baie a tout bon. Pourquoi?

2017, February 22: Black currant: The latest fad in food

Vikram Doctor in “On My Plate” | India |

I knew that black currant was trending. Its vivid purple was showing up in ice-cream, cheesecakes and fruit syrups. Health faddists touted its high vitamin C levels and general benefits. But I knew it had really arrived when I saw that an Indian condom brand had launched a Black Currant flavoured variant.

2017, January 5: Why red wine and blackcurrants are sexual superfoods

Flavonoid-rich foods like blueberries and red wine prevent erectile dysfunction, scientists have found

Improving your sex life could be as simple as drinking red wine and eating more fruit. A 40 year study by Harvard and University of East Anglia scientists has found that middle-aged men who enjoyed a regular glass of red wine, and plenty of citrus fruits and berries were less likely to develop erectile dysfunction. Researchers found just three or four portions…

2017, January 2: Say goodbye to kale: the superfood trends for 2017 and five new ingredients to watch

Anna Magee
According to Mintel’s 2017 global food and drink report, plant-based diets are set to explode into the mainstream this year, which makes sense, given that veganism has grown a staggering 360 per cent in the last decade. But never mind…

2016, October 20: London Zoo gorilla drank five litres of blackcurrant juice after escaping enclosure

Kumbuka, a male silverback, sparked an armed police response after his break out bid on 13 October

The silverback gorilla whose escape sent ZSL London Zoo into lockdown made an “opportunistic” exit through two unlocked doors into a corridor where a keeper was working, the zoo said…

2016, September 16: Blackcurrants Are So Hot Right Now

By Danica Lo

These delicious little berries were illegal to farm in the United States from 1911 to 2003. Browsing the refrigerated section at my local Whole Foods early this morning, I came across a 750 ml jug of Connecticut-produced blackcurrant juice just…

2016, August 22: Cassero : un concentré d’histoire

Made in Luxembourg

Des groseilles noires et parfumées transformées en une délicieuse liqueur: le Cassero de Beaufort est une institution. Et depuis peu, il est 100% made in Luxembourg! Voûte de pierres et sol en terre. Nous sommes dans les caves

2016, July-August: Presentation of a noble berry

Meine gute Landküche: Eine Beere gibt sich die Ehre

Der Winzer Heiko Danner hat das Potenzial der schwarzen Johannisbeere entdeckt und bereitet in seiner Manufaktur köstliche…

2016, June 28th: The organization of the blackcurrant sector in Burgundy, France (Une filière cassis plus homogène en Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
2016, June 17th: Snell elected IBA President
2016, June: International Blackcurrant Conference 2016
2016, March 27: Gardens: are blackcurrants the new blueberry?


They are packed with nutrients and a doddle to grow. The humble blackcurrant leaves more celebrated superfoods in the dust

2016, March 18: Verdens bedste solbærprodukt eftersøges

Annemarie Bisgaard

Solbær er en superfrugt. Fyldt med vitaminer, flavonoider og antocyaniner. Men alt for få forbrugere kender til de sunde bær og de mange mulige spændende produkter med solbær. Derfor har solbæravlerne verden over besluttet at lave en konkurrence om, hvem der har de mest spændende solbærprodukter indenfor tre kategorier: Drikkevarer, madprodukt og functional food. Solbærprodukterne…

2016, January: The promotion of blackcurrants in Berlin (Promocja czarnej porzeczki w Berlinie)
2016, January 5th: This simple ingredient could help you burn a third more fat while exercising

Taking a daily dose of blackcurrant extract can help you burn a third more fat while exercising, according to a new scientific study.

The research, conducted by the University of Chichester, West Sussex, is being hailed as a breakthrough…

2015, August 21: L'IG comme carte de visite
2015, July 10th: Blackcurrants are in season now, but why should we eat them and what recipes can we prepare with them
2015, July: Schwarze Johannisbeeren - die Powerfrucht (Blackcurrants - the power fruit)

“Berry Boom Fruchthandel” – RWG Agil Leese

2015, June 29: Brain benefits of NZ blackcurrants hailed by scientists

Cate Broughton and Megan Gattey

New Zealand blackcurrants not only keep our brains young and active, but could replace drugs used to treat depression, anxiety and Parkinsons disease. A study by Plant & Food Research neuroscientist Dr Arjan Scheepens and his team, found compounds in New Zealand blackcurrants increased…

2015, June 4: Acute supplementation with blackcurrant extracts modulates cognitive functioning and inhibits monoamine oxidase-B in healthy young adults
2015, June. A New Zealand-Japanese science team starts to lay the foundation for developing blackcurrant solutions for dietary stress!
2015, March 19: New Zealand blackcurrants a global ‘stress solution’?

A Kiwi-Japanese science team starts to lay the foundation for developing solutions for some of the world’s major health issues!
A new research collaboration between New Zealand and Japan will investigate whether NZ blackcurrant-based foods can improve the ‘management’ of human carbohydrate metabolism….

2013, September: Attempt to sabotage global blackcurrant crop statistics backfires
2013, July: From The Inaugural IBA Blackcurrant Horticultural Conference
2013, January: Blackcurrant industry champion, Weremczuk FMR, is sponsoring the development of our industry's most strategically important database: the annual global production review.
2012, April: Royal Warrant for Horticultural Machinery Delights West Country Engineering Firm
2012, March: Agrana, one of the world's major juice supply companies, sees a bright future for the blackcurrant!
2012, February: Sarau 2012: the world's only blackcurrant harvest festival
2011, September: Blackcurrants and Intestinal Health the Science Highlight of the 2011 European Blackcurrant Conference.
2011, June: From ``champion of sniffles`` to ``champion of champions``: the New Future of the Blackcurrant ?
2011, June: Global Blackcurrant Production Crashes as Demand Set to Soar
2011, June: The End of an Era but the Dawn of a New Future for the Blackcurrant Industry
2011, May: BrainHealthFood shows Blackcurrants should be on the MindMenu
2011, April: Japan and Blackcurrants
2011, April: New study shows initial success of Blackcurrant anthocyanins in preventing liver cancer
2011, March: The Battle of the Bowels: Blackcurrants versus Bacteria: we win!
2011, February: Forget the bloodletting: enjoy the world's most beautiful berry instead!
2011, February: Where are our champions?
2011, January: Blackcurrants and Sport Performance: the exciting new breakthrough!
2009, June 18: New research highlights sports recovery potential in blackcurrants

If you have anything you would like us to add in our blackcurrant presse review, we will be happy if you share them. Feel free to contact us:

Blackcurrants on youtube


The Cassissium: discover the world of blackcurrant

Gemmothérapie : les bienfaits des bourgeons de cassis

Récolte cassis 2018

Le cassis en Bourgogne, une filière qui ne connaît pas la crise


Culture de groseille et Cassis et rosiers grimpants

Feuille de cassis : quelles sont ses vertus ? | CDT NEWS


Cassis, plante médicinale

Découverte gourmande du cassis au Château de la Romanerie

Le cassissier “cassis” : culture, plantation, taille, bouturage, entretien et récolte

Comment utiliser le cassis ? – Phytothérapie

Tailler un cassis ou un groseillier

Cięcie czarnej porzeczki

Black currants — the forbidden fruit | Greg Quinn | TEDxHudson

Fruit Farming in Four Seasons

Vom Strauch in die Flasche: Johannisbeeren für ViO Schorle

Cassismanufaktur Einblicke

Økologiske solbær

You want to share one your favourtie videos with us? Please send us the link: